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 Nursing Interpersonal Communication and Etiquette

              In recent years, the importance of fostering interpersonal communication manners and communication skills, which are the basis of nursing education, has increased.
“Interpersonal Communication and Etiquette” refers to the application of theories of interpersonal communication and etiquette to the humanitarian aspects of nursing practice. 

        1.   Experience hospital internship activities

                    During long vacations before the start of the course, students are organized to do an internship at a nearby hospital. Internship reports must account for at least one-fifth of your grades for this course. 

2. Reflections on holiday internships

once students return from their hospital internships, the instructor officially starts teaching this course. Next, the instructor will conduct a pre-course debriefing session first, where students will discuss their hospital internship experiences and observations with classmates before class.
Only in a warm atmosphere can students speak their true thoughts without feeling restricted or embarrassed

3. Scenario simulation teaching

 Divide students into groups of 5-8 and have them act as patients with various illnesses, such as cancer patients, people with disabilities, or family members of people injured in car accidents.
Another group consists of hospital staff, doctors, nurses, etc.
Let students improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills 


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