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Good Etiquette When Sending Messages to Lecturers


Basically ethics in communication is important in any situation, such as in the home, school, campus, or office environment. One sign that indicates that a person is mature is by being ethical in a communication. As is the case when a student communicates in the campus environment, of course this is quite different from what we usually communicate at home or in an informal environment because the campus environment is an agency environment for a fairly formal place of study. In contrast to campus friends, communicating with the lecturers themselves must be very polite, especially when they want to send messages that must know the time limit and ethics in using words.


Communicating with Lecturers

On this occasion I will share knowledge about how to communicate ethics when sending messages with good and correct lecturers. In the past, when I just entered college, I thought that contacting or sending messages to lecturers was the same as sending messages to teachers during school. Actually, the ethics are almost the same in sending messages to lecturers and teachers during school, but in my opinion, there are some small details that are different when contacting lecturers.

After thinking about it, it's true that there are deficiencies in my communication with lecturers and even that has become a lesson for me in the future who want to contact lecturers at other times.



Application of Communication Ethics to Students

Lecturers are the most respected thing among students in the campus environment and must be respected. Sometimes as students we are also afraid of feeling wrong when we want to communicate with lecturers, that's what makes us students afraid if later it seems impolite or even patronizing so that lecturers feel disappointed.

There are several things that must be considered when you want to contact a lecturer via text message or telephone.

Pay attention to the day and hour

When you want to contact a lecturer in a short message or telephone, the first thing to pay attention to is paying attention to the time, namely the day and hour. Lecturers are the same as humans in general who also have their own activities outside the campus, and we as students must respect their time. By paying attention to the day and time when contacting the lecturer, we don't disturb the lecturer's rest hours or the hours with his family.

Use effective language

Using effective language is something that needs attention in contacting lecturers. It may sound a bit odd, but talking to your professor is different from talking to your parents at home. When sending short messages or calling lecturers, it's best to use fairly standard language which is also a language that is pleasant to hear, then don't forget to also say greetings at the beginning of the conversation so that it seems formal.

Introduce yourself clearly

Of course, however, those of us who are used to being contacted with strangers whose identities are unknown will feel afraid and uncomfortable. It is important to introduce yourself before contacting the lecturer so that the lecturer knows the students who contact him.

There are still a lot of manners that must be done when you want to contact a lecturer, but in my opinion what has been mentioned earlier is the main and most important requirement when you want to contact a lecturer in a short message or telephone.

For you guys who still think that ethics is below everything:


"It is important to make sure that we talk to each other in a way that heals, not in a way that hurts." - Barack Obama.






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