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Use of communication psychology to influence good social attitudes and relationships

    Communication psychology in general can be interpreted as a branch of knowledge that studies the character and attitude of the interlocutor without neglecting his psychological aspects. Communication psychology is an interesting subject to study because it helps a lot in understanding social situations and the condition of one's personality. Communication psychology will explore more about a person's personality and here we can improve our professionalism in speaking.

Uses of Communication Psychology

    Throughout one's life, a character or personality is formed. As long as one's personal growth takes place, communication becomes important because communication is able to shape each individual's personality, develop self-concept and determine our relationship with the world around us. A person's quality of life will be determined by his relationship with other people.

According to Stewart (Rakhmat, 1988), five things arise if communication takes place effectively are:

1. Understanding. Reception of communicant stimulation of the content communicator's stimulus is called understanding. Failure to receive content messages is called a major communication failure
2. Pleasure. Not all communication is intended to convey information and form understanding. Pronunciation Good morning, how are you, what is meant is not looking for information but done with the intention that other people feel what is called transactional analysis. This communication is usually called phatic communication. It is this communication that makes a warm, friendly, and fun relationship
3. Influence Attitudes. Communication is often done for influence others. Persuasion is defined as a process influence the opinions, attitudes, and actions of people with using psychological manipulation so that the person acts as of his own free will.
4. Good Social Relations. Communication grows relationships good social. Social needs are the need for grow and maintain satisfying relationships with others in terms of interaction and association, control and power, love, and compassion.
5. Action. Communication to influence attitudes. Persuasion too intended to produce the desired action. Communication to generate understanding is difficult, but even more difficult affect attitude. It is much more difficult to push people Act.

Psychology examines human consciousness and experience. It is directed at the center of attention of human behavior and tries to conclude various things that happen to human behavior. Other parties are needed when communicating as listeners in responding to messages that have been conveyed.

Source: Angelia Putriana, Rahma Sari Kasoema, D.Gandasari, Arifa Retnowuni (2021). Psikologi Komunikasi 


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