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Using Proper Body Language When Communicating



Body language or body movement is a movement that a person experiences unconsciously and without any engineering or lies. The movement actually does not want to be given or done, but the movement cannot be controlled and is released by itself. When talking to other people, sometimes our bodies suddenly carry out activities by themselves, such as moving our hands in rhythm with the ongoing conversation.

Body language sometimes can also help the other person understand the language or what we are explaining to the other person, with that communication can work quite well.


Communicating Using Body Language

In the world of entertainment, artists often use body language in these shows. One example of an artist who is quite famous for using body language on his show is Charlie Chaplin. Charlie Chaplin didn't use his voice at all in his TV show, but people were always entertained and some even laughed out loud. How did it happen? Yes, that's right! Charlie Chaplin used his body language as a joke when he fell from the stairs, his facial expressions, even his whole body moved to entertain the audience of his show.

A singer always uses his body language when performing the song he is singing, when the singer sings his song, he uses body language such as waving his hands or with a sad expression so that those watching or listening know that the singer's expression has been conveyed mellowly to the audience or listeners. 

In today's life, body language is very helpful when communicating with fellow human beings. Not only in the entertainment industry use body language to communicate, but like in college, industrial work, and others, body language helps in communicating. Then how do you use the correct body language in terms of communicating? Here I will discuss a little about using proper body language in communicating.



Understand the concept of what body language is

Understanding the concept of body language is the main key so that we can do good and right body language. We have to understand some body language cues. Identifying body language emotionally is one example. When people are happy, their faces will reap smiles and their faces will be "glow". Meanwhile, when people are angry, we can see that the person's face looks red, teeth are gritted, and his hands seem to be clenching

Using gestures to communicate

Have you noticed that figures like Bill Gates, Barack Obama, and other important figures move their hands freely when they are giving speeches? Yup, they do that not merely by moving their hands, but that is one example of communicating using body gestures. An important figure or leader when making a speech will definitely use body gestures such as hands so that the character seems authoritative and has the spirit of a leader. 

As for a television presenter who paced back and forth on the stage, he did it with body gestures so that the presenter seemed to be carrying an informative character such as explaining something to everyone. 

Using facial expressions

One good use of body language is to speak to the other person by using facial expressions. Using facial expressions here what is meant is when we are talking to other people, we must look into their eyes, it is a polite way because if we don't look into the eyes of the other person, the other person might think we are not polite and think if we are condescending.  

Not only looking at the opponent's eyes, we can also mix expressions depending on the atmosphere of the conversation, such as smiling at a person we just met, putting on a happy expression when we are happy, and showing a surprised expression when something is surprising.

The tips above are not necessarily enough to use good body language, we also have to think for ourselves and do it as comfortable as we are when communicating with other people. Even I myself still like to look away when I'm talking to other people


"People need reality. People can sense when someone is being pretentious or fake. It's because you feel it, you see it in someone's body language." - Afrojack





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